Tonight at 00:00 (so, 12 am Friday night into Saturday) a new round of Midnight Madness begins.
20 designers take part in this event and offer you some awesome free gifts which are limited to 1500 pieces each. 2 gifts per designer are offered. The first gift board will go live on Saturday 0:00 am SLT, the second one on Saturday noon SLT
After each round comes to a close (no later than 12 hours after going live) the “Last Chance” vendors will go live. This will be the very last effort to pick up the gifts only, unlike the Midnight Madness boards, the gift will then be discounted anywhere from 25-50L. These vendors will be limited to just 250 items. These vendors will NOT go live until the MM round of that particular board turns off after 12 hours of the event.
So…. if you missed out on a midnight gift you really wanted. Be sure to be at the store by noon SLT when the Last Chance vendor goes live!
Fishy gifts are the following.
At Midnight, you will find the Special Edition Maxi Tee Garage in Wine

For Noon, Special Edition Maxi Tee Garage in Black

We do have security orbs up for the event which will have a maximum ARC (Avatar rendering cost) allowance of 50 000. The orbs are needed to reduce lag and with that to make sure that the gift vendors will give away the gifts properly. A high ARC is mostly caused by high poly mesh attachments and high resolution textures , not by script amounts which actually don’t effect the lag as much. You can check your own ARC by going to the developer menu – show info – show avatar rendering cost. Take a look at the weight parameter and make sure you’ll keep it below 50. Regular mesh bodies usually are not the problem, some mesh heads though have 100K alone, other mesh heads are totally fine. We recommend to just go full alpha for this event. You will find the survival kit in the Midnight Madness official group (check past notices).
More info about Midnight Madness and gifts preview
TAXI to *Fishy Strawberry* Mainstore
Credits for the styling used in the ads are available on the flickr address
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Wow this seems to be a very cool competition! However, i would really appreciate more information about which pieces will be given away as gifts