The new skins are finally out!!!

Compared to the previous skinline, there are some major changes, although the overall look is still the same.
First of all, the lighting/shading is improved and looks more soft and natural.
The stomach/belly button area has been reworked.
The nipples are new (smaller and more pointy than the previous ones).
The hairbase has been completely redone from scratch and it's more realistic that earlier.
There's a new superpale skintone.
Each makeup includes light and dark eyebrows version, with and without hairbase (4 skins in total)
2 ponytails to wear with the hairbase version are included.
To celebrate the event (since JB and I are too excited about it, plus, Fishy Strawberry was born around this time exactly one year ago) , ther's a HUUUGE skin/shapes sales going on! It will only last 6 days, so hurry up!

ALL the shapes and skin (this means: old skins, special RP skins, the brand new skins and shapes) are 50% off.
Single skins are 450L and fatpacks 1600L
AAAANDDDD there's two skins at a special price (only 200L for all 4 skintones)

TP to Fishy Strawberry<3,